

W3schools offers a variety of programming languages for totally free. Its content includes programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, Python, Java, C, C++, C#, R, Bootstrap, jQuery, React and XML, and many more.



Where mostly educational platforms only have theory or syntax. Youtube provides video guides. You might also be able to interact with the person uploading those guides through comments. As stated earlier, Youtube has tons of structured playlists of programming, which will provide you a road map.



HackerRank is a hiring platform, meaning that it has employers that are looking for talented people to hire them. But, these employers would also like to see the potential employees' portfolios. This portfolio will be the HackerRanks portfolio, which will have many programming challenges for programmers to do, which can be later shown to employers.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers totally free courses and material on plenty of topics such as Maths, Science, Computing, Arts & Humanities, Economics, Reading & Language Arts, and Life Skills. Khan Academy also offers programming informative videos.



SimpliLearn offers free video material for you to prepare yourself for programming. Simplilearn provides very detailed videos explaining the concepts of programming. It also comes with a well-structured plan to learn any specific programming language, making it easier for you to understand it.

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