6 Most Popular Programming Languages of 2022

Most Popular Programming Languages 2022

There are more than 200+ programming languages. Obviously, not all of them can be learned. So, only a few dominate the technology industry. We are going to talk about them today. They will be the 6 most popular programming languages of 2022. 

1. Python

Python is the most famous programming language. It is a general-purpose programming language that supports multiple paradigms such as functional programming and structured programming including Object-Oriented programming, which is the most famous programming paradigm. Furthermore, Python is a dynamically typed programming language, which means that there is no need to assign data types to the data. In addition, Python also comes with garbage collection, implying that it deallocates the object automatically.

Python can be used to build softwares, websites, machine learning tools, data analysis, artificial intelligence algorithms and visualisation.

Related: 10 Intermediate Python Coding Challenges 

Advantages of Python

Easy Syntax: Whilst Python is known for being the most used programming languages. It is also popular for the fact that it has a very basic and easy syntax that looks similar to English, implying that it can be understood by someone who has very basic information regarding the programming. Hence, it is quite effortless for aspiring programmers to grasp the basics of python.

Dynamically TypedDynamically typed programming language means that there is no need to assign data types to the data. Surprisingly, this can be pro and con at the same time. It would be pro because the code will be readable and easy-to-understand with no data types assigned to data. However, it could be a con because it would give runtime errors. For instance, if a string and int is being added together,  there will be no indication regards to this from the program prior to compiling.

A lot of LibrariesOne of the many things that make Python unique is its libraries. In particular, it impacts on the programmers speed: ability to write a program in a few lines. Hence, it makes the python ideal for someone who is just starting. 

FasterPython offers libraries, dynamically memory allocation and garbage collection as well as easy syntax. All together, these features make the python fast typed programming language as compared to other languages.

Disadvantages of Python

Runtime errorsThe fact that Python isn’t a statical programming language, means that data types will not be written in the code for data. Unfortunately, this escalates the chances of errors, prompting errors at runtime. 

SlowWhile Python is praised for entitling fast typing of code. Surprisingly, it is also notorious for speed when it comes to big size programs. That’s because Python requires a decent amount of space to run a program, implying that it isn’t suitable for big size programs. Especially, when speed matters the most.

2. Javascript

Javascript is a programming language that is used in 98% of the websites that you will come across on the world wide web. Interestingly, Javascript allows the programmers to be creative with the website designs. Particularly, by making the website interactive and dynamic to accomplish the purpose of the website. Mostly, Javascript is used as a client-side programming language.  

In brief, Javascript can be used to make Games, Websites, Web & Mobile applications, Data Science tools and pretty much everything as long as the design or digital user-experience is vital. 

Advantages of Javascript

SimpleSurprisingly, Javascript single-handedly can be used for both front and back end, indicating that it is very straightforward. In fact, it’s also known for its simple syntax with less complexity. 

FamousThe fact that Javascript is used in 98% of websites, it is an in-demand programming language. Therefore, it is easier for companies to hunt talent as well as easier for Javascript programmers to get jobs. 

CreativeUndoubtedly, there is a reason behind Javascript’s popularity. One of those reasons is that it entitles programmers to be creative with their websites. The more experience a program gains, the more creative he becomes. Secondly, Javascript also allows you the drag and drop option, making your job even more easier. 

Disadvantage of Javascript

SecuritySince, Security is used in front and back-end. The programmers need to be aware of the malicious activities that can take place and work accordingly. 

Depends upon the browsersBrowsers are an important aspect in successful operations of Javascript programs. Therefore, a piece of code written in Javascript can behave differently depending upon how the browser interprets it.


HTML is the HyperText Markup Language. Meanwhile, CSS is Cascading Style Sheets. They both have different roles. 

HTML is used for structuring and laying out websites and their content. Meanwhile, CSS is used to design the website and its content. For example, designing could include changing fonts and colours etc. Furthermore, Javascript could be added to make the website interactive. 

HTML, CSS can be used for structuring and designing websites, applications and games etc.

Advantages of HTML, CSS

Extremely Easy to Learn: HTML, CSS has an extremely easy syntax that can be learned by anyone from scratch within 2 weeks.

Simple Syntax: Its simple syntax allows the code to be understandable and readable. In fact, if the syntax of HTML and CSS is learned, it can also help you transition to the next programming languages easily. 

Disadvantages of HTML, CSS

Security: HTML and CSS do not have the ability to provide you with security features and functionalities. Instead, you would have to involve a third party for security. 

Dynamicity: HTML and CSS are very basic languages that only provide a simple layout and design for the website. In order to make a dynamic or interactive design, Javascript would have to come in to play its part. 

4. C++

C++ is an extension of the C programming language, it is a general-purpose programming language. It supports multiple programming paradigms including Object-Oriented Programming. Additionally, C++ is a statically typed programming language, indicating that data types will be assigned to the data. Primarily, C++ is popular for its unique ability to provide Dynamic memory allocation, implying that the programmer has more control over the program when it comes to optimising memory for speed and effectiveness.

There are vast amounts of things that can be done with it. For instance, C++ is used to develop Games, Operating Systems, Banking Applications and Mobile Applications etc

Advantages of C++

Dynamic Memory Allocation: Whilst, there are countless reasons of C++ is one of the most used programming languages in the world. Importantly, Dynamic Memory Allocation also plays its part, implying that the efficiency of memory and speed of the program relies on the programmer instead of the programming language. 

Faster for long programs: It is not a hidden secret that C++ is a statically typed language, implying that there will be a lot of code as programmers have to assign data types. However, C++ consistently gives indications prior to compiling if there is an error within the code. For instance, you wouldn’t be able to add strings and ints together. Because c++ wouldn’t let you compile and indicate an error. This makes it ideal for long programs. As it can be quite fast. 

Scalability: C++ relies on the concept of classes & objects and overall Object-Oriented Programming, meaning that a long piece of code in c++ will always be organised. Hence, it would have a great potential for scalability.

Disadvantage of C++

Complexity: Unfortunately, C++ is notorious when it comes to its syntax. In fact, aspiring programmers call it the most difficult programming language to learn. That’s because it involves memory allocation, which requires the use of pointers, and the majority of the time Object-Oriented Programming is used with pointers, which makes it quite complicated. 

Slow-typed programming language: Since C++ is not a dynamically typed programming language. In fact, it also involves a lot of things such as pointers. Therefore, it is slowly typed programming languages.

5. SQL

SQL is a Structured Query Language, which is used for communicating with databases. SQL is one of the most used programming languages among Data Scientists. Mainly, SQL is only used for databases because it is a domain-specific language. 

Interestingly, SQL can do everything that is required while dealing with databases such as making tables, deleting tables, inserting, removing, replacing, extending or retrieving the data. 

Advantages of SQL

Simplicity: Structured Query Language is an effortless language that can be learned by anyone without any previous programming experience.

Speed: SQL is known for operating at a high speed while performing tasks like retrieving, deleting and inserting data etc.

Popularity: SQL has become a standardised language for databases. Hence, it’s good for compatibility and convenience for organisations and programmers. 

Disadvantages of SQL

Complex infrastructure: Whilst SQL is a very simple language, it can be painful in creating table infrastructure. Depending upon the size of databases, sometimes there could be a complex structure to manage databases.

6. C#

C# is also one of the most used programming languages. It supports multi-paradigm as well as Object-Oriented Programming, which is the most famous programming paradigm among developers. C# is also a general-purpose programming language. 

C# is used for making games, cloud-based services, web applications, mobile applications and websites etc.

Advantages of C#

Effective in Problem-Solving: C# comes with a framework for decomposing the problem to solve it with tools such as safe typing and its set of rich libraries.

Intereobility: It entitles the c# to be convenient and reliable as C# can go along with multiple systems to get the job done.

Disadvantages of C#

Depends on .Net framework: C# comes with the dependency of the .Net framework, which means that it is not flexible with other frameworks.


Programming is in-demand for a while and it is here to stay for a long period of time. Hopefully, this article: 6 Most Popular Programming Languages 2022 would have provided you a value. Regardless of which popular programming language you choose, you must focus on improving your programming skills instead of jumping from one to another programming language.