10 Ways to Master Programming (Step-by-Step)

10 ways to master programming (Step-by Step)

Learning to code has never been easier than ever before. It doesn’t matter whether you are a full time employee, a student  or someone looking to learn to code, you might be looking for an effective structure pattern that can help you learn programming. Hence, we are bringing 10 ways to master programming (Step-by-Step).

Make sure that you follow the 10 ways to master programming step-by-step. You can pick and choose a few. But, it is recommended to follow them all to help you to learn programming easily and productively.

1. Don’t make notes

Making notes is always a part of anyone’s learning. It is always assumed that if you are struggling to remember something, you must take notes, as they are going to be really helpful for you. However, when it comes to programming, there isn’t much to take notes about. programming is all about practicing, if you want to learn programming syntax, you must practice it. That’s the only way to comprehend the programming syntax.There is no other way. So, Don’t make notes!

2. Go to W3Schools

Once, you understood that there is no need to make notes. Now there is a next step to go to W3schools.


W3Schools is an educational website that has pretty much all the programming languages and gives you a very straightforward  and easy explanation for the specific syntax with examples. W3schools also lays out a pattern of all the programming languages, that lists all the syntax you would need to go from beginner to pro. Therefore, it is highly recommended that newbies must go to W3Schools to check out their education content. 

W3schools is totally free.

3. Go to SimpliLearn

So, you have started to understand the syntax explained in W3school. But, you would like to understand it in depth in order to become a better programmer. That’s where SimpliLearn comes in.

SimpliLearn is also an education website. But its nature of content is completely different from W3Schools. In SimpliLearn you will be see the video content that will go from A to Z explaining the logical aspect with examples, this would certainly uplift your knowledge about whatever programming languages you trying to learn and will give you a detailed explanation about everything that a specific programming languages includes such as Loops and Object oriented programming etc. So, in order to avail the video content that can help you learn programming effectively and easily you should also check out SimpliLearn.

SimpliLearn is totally free.

4. Be Confident

Now, you have been practicing the programming syntax from the W3schools and watch videos to understand the syntax with examples in depth. 

But, you might be feeling like it’s being very hard to comprehend a lot of things or you may feel that you are not learning it fast enough. No matter what you think, you have to understand each and every one of us has different strengths and weaknesses, which also keeps a healthy balance in the society. 

So, therefore you have to understand that you are no less than anyone, when it comes to learning programming languages. As Albert Einstein said “It’s not that I’m smart, it’s just that I stay longer with the problem”. So, you just spend time with the thing. Yes, you might feel like you are not learning anything or even you are struggling and you will not be able to learn anything. But, scientific evidence has proved that even when you sit in front of the problem and you can’t solve it, your brain is actually processing in the back-end and trying to solve the problem. So, don’t worry when you can’t do anything. Just relax and tell yourself that you are not here to learn, instead you just want to sit there and try to spend time with this problem. Ultimately, you will succeed. Always Be Confident!

5. Make Small Programs to Practice each Syntax

After doing all the research and understanding detailed videos about the syntax. It’s important to keep doing small practices. Every syntax of programming that you are going to understand, it is important to practice them individually. Even if you feel like you understand the syntax without sitting there and doing it. You must practise each programming syntax by making a small program, where you make use of this specific syntax.

6. Make Larger Programs compiling everything that you learned together

Once you have achieved a certain milestone in learning a programming language. That’s the time to make a bit larger program, in which you are going to compile all the things you have learned and use them. 

Remember that just because you understand the syntax of a programming language, it doesn’t mean you write it in a flow in a big program. That’s where this tip will help you. It’s important to learn to integrate loops and if statements etc together, that’s where the most of the learning comes from.

7. Don’t Practice the things you are good at

You might feel like you have stuck somewhere, from where you can’t seem to be going ahead. If that’s the case with you. Most probably you are practicing the things that you are already good at. We humans tend to always dislike the struggling moments. That’s the reason, we settle down in an environment where we feel comfortable. 

And that’s exactly what has been happening with you while you are sitting there to learn programming. You must struggle while learning, if you are not struggling and practicing the things that you know over and over again. You will be stuck there forever. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you learn the things that you don’t know and it is expected that you will struggle with it. So, Don’t practice the things you are good at.

8. Do Challenges at the HackerRank

So, you have been practicing making programs and you have got to the stage where you feel a bit comfortable with the chosen programming language. So, it’s time to shift onto something crispy and difficult at the same time.

HackerRank is a website that describes itself for being a connector between the employees and employer. It is the website where you can go to do different programming challenges. These challenges would uplift your knowledge and provide you with problem solving skills. This website also allows you to track your progress and make a portfolio, which can get a job on the platform or you can also use it on your CV. Therefore, it is recommended to go to HackerRank. It wouldn’t disappoint you!

9. Keep Doing, Don’t Stop!

When it comes to learning to code, you must realize the fact that it wouldn’t come overnight. However, when you happen to learn it once, you must keep practicing it. Because it is something that if you don’t regularly go over, you will easily forget it. Therefore, it is important to keep practicing the programming language. 

10. Learn only One Programming Language at the time

Some of the beginners often try to learn many languages at the same time. This wouldn’t be beneficial at all. It is very easy for someone to get confused with different programming language syntax. Therefore, it is always good to practice only one programming language. 

There is also a hidden crispy truth, which is that if you master one programming language, you can learn any programming language easily!


In conclusion, I believe anyone can learn a programming language. You just have to be consistent and keep practicing. It’s certainly possible for everyone to learn to program and it is in fact very important as well nowadays. Choose a few or all of these tips, implement it for a month and review the result. I hope that will get positive results!  

Learn More : 6 Benefits of Learning to code