How to Start Programming? The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

How to Start Programming The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Technology has been evolving rapidly in recent decades. It required software, which means that programmers played their part respectively to achieving all kinds of automation and software that we see today. Hence, How to Start Programming? The Ultimate Guide for Beginners is being brought to you.  

▸What is Programming?

Everyone has some sort of interaction with computers on a daily basis. Computers aren’t only PCs, but any electronic device that has the ability to store, process and output what is required. Hence, your mobile phone, fridge, airplanes, trains, cars, and pretty much all electronic devices are computers. There are many benefits of learning to program

A question might be popping into your head: How do we tell machines to perform a certain task? Certainly, we can’t just write things in English and machines would automatically understand it. There is a way. That is programming. 

Programming languages are languages that are understood by machines. So, humans have to learn it to talk to machines. Programming entitles humans to give commands to machines.

There are many things that can be done with programming languages such as software applications or making websites etc. However, there are different programming languages for different operations. Meaning that if you want to learn a programming language you would have to decide which one to learn.

Deciding Which Programming Language to Learn

Once you have made up your mind to learn a programming language, you will be excited. But, do not forget to choose a specific programming language. 

There are certain questions that you would have to ask yourself. What kind of projects are you interested in? What is something that you would like to make once when you have learned your programming languages? The answer could be I would like to make bank applications or I would like to make Websites. You would have to find your interest. 

If you still can’t make your decision. Read the article What’s the Best Programming Language to Learn? It would help you in decision-making. 

My suggestion would be to start off with Python. As it has a very basic syntax and is a general-purpose programming language.

▸Learning a Basic Syntax

Once you have decided what programming language to learn. Then it is time to start learning the language. But, How exactly?

There is a pattern for every programming language, which you should cover to easily comprehend everything. A generic pattern that you should cover would be:

  • Variables
  • Data types
  • Operators
  • Loops
  • Functions

These are very basic and easy things to learn that will put you on track to mastering a programming language. There are many websites that can provide free resources that will help you learn a programming language. 

All the things mentioned above can be covered in 2 weeks for someone completely new, even if you were to spend 30 minutes a day.

▸Make Small Programs

Once you have understood the basic syntax of any specific programming language. It is time to start making small programs that are considered to be the best way to learn a programming language. 

There is no point in keep learning the basic syntax and not implementing it. Hence, it is always suggested in the programming world that instead of making notes, make programs and practice them. A few programs are listed below:

✺Level 1 (Beginner)

Adding two numbers together – Making a simple calculation program that can take two numbers from the user, add them together and output it.

Convert Kilometres to Meters – Making a simple program that will take input in kilometres, convert it into Meters and output it.

✺Level 2 (Intermediate)

Making a calculator – Making a program that will take two numbers as input from the users and allow the user to choose what calculation they want to perform, it could be addition, division or subtraction, etc. It will perform the calculation and output the value. 

Making pyramid shapes – Making pyramid shapes using loops nested for-loops. 

✺Level 3 (Good-Understanding)

Making a Login(Username/Password) program – Making a bank application that will be sophisticated. It will provide functions such as login or sign up and forget password etc. Depending upon the user’s choice it will then provide other features. For instance, if the user is successfully logged in. It should provide options to withdraw cash or add cash etc. 

Making a pizza shop program – Making a program that will allow the user to choose what size pizza they want and what kind of topping would they have as well as anything else such as drink etc. Eventually, the program should give a receipt, which is going to have pizza prices and drink prices added.

More Programming Challenges?

▸A Few Advices 

There are certain advices that will be helpful for you in your programming journey. 

Don’t try learning multiple programming languages – There are many beginners that have made the mistake of learning multiple programming languages at a time. All the programming languages have a pretty similar syntax or the way they work, which can confuse you and you will not learn anything at all. 

So, always learn one programming language at a time.  

Don’t try going to harsh – You might have heard this gym example before. If you go to a gym one day and work out for 12 hours. You are not going to see the results. However, you go to a gym for 5 months for 30 minutes. You will start seeing the results. 

The moral of the story is don’t expect yourself to learn everything overnight. Give yourself time to grasp the programming gradually. Otherwise, you will burn out and just stop learning it at all. 

Consistency and Practice would be the best thing you can do while learning to program.

Practice instead of making notes – There are many beginners who love taking notes. The reality is programming can never be learned theoretically. You have to practice it. Keep making programs and keep practicing what you learn. It’s just like driving a car, the only way to learn is to practice  driving it.

▸Avail online resources

There are many online resources that are totally free and provide you with valuable content that will help you in your journey to learn to program. These resources include websites, youtube channels etc.  

Some of the recommended websites: 


It is true that learning to program has never been easier than ever before. However, it doesn’t mean that it can be learned overnight with no work at all. 

You have to understand this. It takes its time. 

Many people believe in the thing called motivation. However, I would suggest you focus on becoming disciplined instead of motivated. Motivation would come and go. But, discipline stays. It is what makes the athlete an athlete.

Key takeaways would be:

  • Don’t expect yourself to learn everything overnight.
  • Give yourself time.
  • Become disciplined instead of motivated.
  • Be consistent.

▸Final Thoughts….

Learning to program can be very challenging. But, not something that cannot be done. If you want to do anything in your life. There is a certain pattern that you must follow in order to understand or learn that specific thing. Hence, make a plan with achievable goals, give it time and practice it. You will become a programmer eventually.

3 thoughts on “How to Start Programming? The Ultimate Guide for Beginners”

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